Generally tunnels are equipped with sodium lights, which bring a lot of energy costs, or with first generation LED lights, which degrade very soon and fail to meet the strict regulations.
We meet European tunnel lighting and security standards
You get rid of most maintenance and lights replacement problems
Biggest final financial economy
Generally tunnels are equipped with sodium lights, which bring a lot of energy costs, or with first generation LED lights, which degrade very soon and fail to meet the strict regulations.
We offer FLW and SL CLS tunnel lights, which are reputed to be the best tunnel lights. They are long-lasting, super-effective and reliable; they guarantee continuous work and totally meet lighting regulations
CLS LED technological ‘packing’ ensures the highest energy-saving effectiveness and the lowest costs. The Enercom economy in a 24-hour mode can even exceed 50 %.
Even partial closing of the tunnel, necessary for lighting maintenance, with a group of workers and special equipment, brings a lot of costs and creates certain traffic risks.
Enercom light high reliability is, first of all, achieved by a special patented design LED-and-driver scheme, resistant to power fluctuations and having a long service life.
Enercom lights can be equipped with IP-protected connectors, which enable to replace the driver in a few minutes.
All these features help to significantly reduce the number of costly maintenance measures.